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torsdag, maj 15, 2008

Nu kommer nästa våg mot Yahoo

Via Fredrik Arnander hörde jag att Carl Icahn nu satt igång kampanjen mot sittande Yahoo styrelse.

Så här börjar Icahn i sitt brev till styrelseordförande i Yahoo:

Dear Mr. Bostock:

"It is clear to me that the board of directors of Yahoo has acted irrationally and lost the faith of shareholders and Microsoft. It is quite obvious that Microsoft’s bid of $33 per share is a superior alternative to Yahoo’s prospects on a standalone basis. I am perplexed by the board’s actions. It is irresponsible to hide behind management’s more than overly optimistic financial forecasts. It is unconscionable that you have not allowed your shareholders to choose to accept an offer that represented a 72% premium over Yahoo’s closing price of $19.18 on the day before the initial Microsoft offer. I and many of your shareholders strongly believe that a combination between Yahoo and Microsoft would form a dynamic company and more importantly would be a force strong enough to compete with Google on the Internet. ..."

Hela texten kan läsas tex hos NY Times. Känns som min tidigare spaning kan komma att besannas. Jag kan inte se att Yahoo tar sig igenom detta i ett stycke... eller i alla fall som eget fristående bolag... eller i alla fall inte med Jerry Yang som Chief Yahoo.

En för en svensk roligt detalj är att Icahn i sitt förslag till ny styrelse har en herr Posner. Där ser man.

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