But now after some summer months of silence, I wanted to show a sign of this blog being alive. The challenge is just that for a twitter it is hard to write sentences that makes sense also when put together in a paragraph. Therefore this blog post is done twitter style.
- It is going to be a fantastic fall!
- Exciting to join J-album as an external advisor. Nordic Venture Partners, together with the great entrepreneurs, have a shot at something big. Just need to avoid the topic at dinner of who is the proper owner of the URL www.nordic.com, when having dinner with my wife (working for Nordic...Capital).
- TedxStockholm is coming up next week and I am excited like a child. Just need to make the birthday party I am invited to the same evening, fortunately the venues are really close to each other.
- Will be visiting Mallorca in a few weeks, September 24-27, and look forward to some quality time with great friends.
- November 11-12 it is SIME time. Ola and his crew is lightening up the dark period in the Nordics with glamorous and exciting fireworks that makes you love working in the online world. Thank you!
- Last year we were fortunate to win SIME awards, this year I will be in the jury finding out what it looks like on the other side of the fence. SIME awards this year will also change format to something I actually enjoy and believe in much more myself. Working on the jury preparation work as we speak.